For Beginners

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1. 27-Master Lu【For Beginners】What is The Little House.jpg 阅读 2. 1-Master Lu【For Beginners】Introduction to Daily Recitation for Beginners.jpg 阅读 3. 26-Master Lu【For Beginners】How to Recite the Little House.jpg 阅读 4. 2-《净口业真言》The Dharani to Purify Karma from Speech.jpg 阅读 5. 3-Master Lu【For Beginners】Benefits of Reciting The Great Compassion Mantra.jpg 阅读 6. 4-《大悲咒》 The Great Compassion Mantra.jpg 阅读 7. 5-Master Lu【For Beginners】Benefits of Reciting The Heart Sutra.jpg 阅读 8. 6-《心经》 The Heart Sutra.jpg 阅读 9. 7-Master Lu【For Beginners】Benefits of Reciting The Eighty Eight Buddhas Great Repentance.jpg 阅读 10. 8-《礼佛大忏悔文》 The Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance.jpg 阅读 11. 9-Master Lu【For Beginners】Benefits of Reciting The Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Mantra (Wang Sheng Zho 阅读 12. 10-《往生净土神咒》The Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Mantra.jpg 阅读 13. 11-Master Lu【For Beginners】Benefits of Reciting The Mantra to Disperse Calamities.jpg 阅读 14. 12-《消灾吉祥神咒》 The Mantra to Disperse Calamities.jpg 阅读 15. 13-Master Lu【For Beginners】Benefits of Reciting The Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots.jpg 阅读 16. 14-《解结咒》The Mantra to Untie Karmic Knots.jpg 阅读 17. 15-Master Lu【For Beginners】Benefits of Reciting The Cundi Dharani.jpg 阅读 18. 16-《准提神咒》The Cundi Dharani.jpg 阅读 19. 17-《七佛灭罪真言 》Qi Fo Mie Zui Zhen Yan.jpg 阅读 20. 18-《补阙真言》Dharani to Patch Flaws in Recitation.jpg 阅读 21. 19-Master Lu【For Beginners】Benefits of Reciting Buddhist Scriptures.jpg 阅读 22. 20-Master Lu【For Beginners】Why do we need to recite the Little House.jpg 阅读 23. 21-Master Lu【For Beginners】Will recitation of the Little House attract foreign spirits.jpg 阅读 24. 22-Master Lu【For Beginners】Can I perform Daily Recitation only but not the Little House.jpg 阅读 25. 23-Master Lu【For Beginners】When can you start to recite the Little House.jpg 阅读 26. 24-Master Lu【For Beginners】Under what circumstances do we need to recite Little Houses.jpg 阅读 27. 25-Master Lu【For Beginners】How to determine the number of Little Houses to recite.jpg 阅读